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Frequently Asked Questions
Will the procedures cause discomfort?
Dr. Judy Ku and her team prioritize patient comfort and use advanced techniques to minimize any potential discomfort during and after the procedures.
Is the treatment safe?
Ensuring patient safety is our top priority. Dr. Judy Ku utilizes state-of-the-art technology and follows strict safety protocols to ensure the safety and well-being of her patients.
When can I resume my daily activities?
Dr. Judy Ku provides personalized recovery plans, and the timeline for resuming work or daily activities will be discussed during your consultation.
How long does the procedure take?
During your consultation, Dr. Judy Ku will explain the duration of the procedure and provide detailed information to address any concerns you may have.
Am I a candidate for the treatment?
Dr. Judy Ku conducts thorough evaluations to determine the suitability of each patient for the treatment. Your individual candidacy will be discussed during your consultation.
Is it safe to drive after the treatment?
Depending on the specific treatment and individual recovery, Dr. Judy Ku will provide personalized guidance on when it is safe to resume driving.
When can I apply makeup after the treatment?
Dr. Judy Ku will provide specific post-treatment instructions, including when it is safe to resume wearing makeup.
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